I like it

(KR) “좋아요” 버튼을 누르는 것은 자신이 좋아하는 것을 표현하기 위한 가장 간단하고 손쉬운 방법이다. 많은 사람들이 긍정의 의사표현이라고 합의한 이 단순한 픽토그램이, 이 세상의 모든 것을 내가 ‘좋아하는 것’과 ‘좋아하지 않는 것’으로 축소시킨다. 이렇게 단순화된 의사소통방식은 그것을 표현하는 사람뿐만 아니라, 그 표현을 받아들이는 사람에게도 폭력적으로 작동할 수 있다.

(DE) Was kann oder will man durch den "Like-Button" zeigen? Was fühlt man, wenn man das Zeichen sieht? Wenn man es drückt, bedeutet es, dass man etwas gut findet. Aber funktioniert dieses Zeichen wirklich als ein Symbol der Bejahung? Es reduziert Meinungen der Leuten einfach auf was ihnen gut gefällt oder nicht gut gefällt. Umgekehrt könnte man auch sagen, dass es ein Symbol des Negativen ist. Heutzutage kommuniziert man miteinander durch dieses Zeichen. Es ist eine gewaltsame Methode, finde ich. Was kommt nach dem Daumen? In welche Form verwandelt er sich?

(ENG) What can or do you want to show with the "Like" button? What do you feel when you see this sign? When you click it, it means that you like something. But does this sign really work as a symbol for a positive reaction? It simply reduces people's opinions to what they like or don't like. Reversely this button works as a symbol of the negative by not clicking it. There are only two options. Now we communicate with each other through this sign. I think it's a violent method. What comes after this thumb? Which shape will it be turned into?


Kugelschreiber, digitale Bearbeitung
Animationsfilm - 00:01:18